Saturday, January 29, 2011

...before I go

In April/May of this year I will be joining a small expedition embarking on an attempt to climb to the summit of Mount Everest. We should have reasonable have internet access at Basecamp, so I will endeavour to keep you posted on our progress up (and down!) the mountain.

I'll be raising money for the two deserving charities;, which campaigns against all forms of bonded labour & human trafficking, and SightSavers who cure and prevent thousands of cases of blindness in developing countries every year (see links on this page for more information).

Several people have expressed a wish to donate to me personally to help out with kit & climbing permits, etc., which is, of course, fantastically welcome and gratefully accepted. If I get enough, I'm considering getting myself some of those spikey shoes and maybe an extra wooly for summit-day.

All donations can be made using the 'Donate' button on this page. Just write down who you want it to go to (you can even split it if you like) in the 'Purpose' box.

Meanwhile, if you want to know more about what the whole Everest-climbing thing entails, have a look The Route link on this page; it may help to answer my least favorite question of "is it a climb, or do you just walk up?"

Weeeeeell, if you take a look you will discover that it's not quite as straightforward as that....